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Prohibited Firms

On this page we will be listing firms and individuals that are prohibited of selling products and services to AGS-TECH, Inc., and its branches and affiliates. Prohibition is imposed on firms and individuals due to serious non-compliance with agreed business terms, regulations, laws, technical specifications or else; serious non-compliance with any agreed conditions, terms of any kind that we see as important. In addition to listing prohibited firms on this page, we are also briefly describing each firm's specific non-compliance. Some typical reasons for non-compliance and listing on this page can be:

- Dishonesty in any part of a business dealing

- Consistently providing inferior quality of products and services

- Lack of communication & lack of basic understanding of our needs

- Serious non-compliance with any US and international laws, internatonal treaties, US and international regulations and accepted standards. 

Firms and persons prohibited to provide products and services to AGS-TECH, Inc. and its branches and affiliates will be placed under this category for an indefinite time under normal conditions and will not have the opportunity to be pardonned or their status changed or releaved.

Firms under Probation

Below we also list firms and persons under probation. Probation is imposed on firms and persons that have shown some lesser degree of non-compliance with agreed business terms, regulations, laws, technical specifications or else non-compliance to a lesser degree with any agreed conditions, terms of any kind we see as important. Firms and persons that have been issued probational status can get their status normalized by making improvements or totally correcting their deficiencies and non-compliance. Some typical reasons for being put under probational status are:

- Having provided inferior quality of products and services but in our opinion having the potential to correct the non-compliance and overall quality of products and services.

- Deficiency in communication & having shown some lack of understanding of our needs

- Some lesser degree of non-compliance with any US and international laws, internatonal treaties, US and international regulations and accepted standards. 

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